Sweet Treats

Hellow my fellow readers!
It's been a while...

with 10 days without any updates, today I finally could post this new interesting discovery*kind of* LOL
On the holiday of Eid Mubarak (or Indonesian is familiar for Idul Fitri or Lebaran), I went to Malang and Surabaya East Java, Indonesia
Mint Chocolate Chips Flavor
It was a very tiring journey.

but that's not what I want to talk about.
One day, after a lunch, I wanted to buy an ice cream. and I passes this little shop called MINI MELTS, and I found an interesting new form of ice cream!!! different in shape and temperature, eating this ice cream will makes you feel how a -45 degree melts, and how the shape helps to melt the ice cream *yummy*

From a lot of flavor, I pick my fave, bubblegum and mint chocolate chips : P
But in the end, it's all about the cost. for me, 16.000 rupiah (or USD1.6) is too expensive for only a little cup of those things #sigh

But whatever!! I enjoyed each and every piece of those bead-like ice cream
So that's just a quick post!!!

"A Sweet Treat will cover those Chitter Bitter moments"

Fierce and Love,

A SONG to my Ears

Hi world!
it's another post!!! \(^o^)/
which means, another interesting facts 'bout me : p
Well, the title say it all.
I was just listening to some music on my laptop, and I am fascinated with the album "ONE" by planetshakers. i just love the music.
Yes I also listen to world music, but the only thing that keeps myself so peaceful and can resolve any of my problems, is Christian Music.
I just love the the song "Glory Forever"
ONE by planetshakers
"Glory forever glory forever
King over everything
Holy and righteous is Your name
Glory forever glory forever
Creator of everything
Holy and righteous is Your name
"A Song to my HEART, is the song for HIM"

I really love how a song could bring me such serenity.
and this CD was given from my GF on my birthday, so this means a lot to me : )
if you want to listen, you can buy it on itunes:
so that's just a quick post..

P.S. I'm on a vacation for the next 10 days, so there will be no new posts *TT___TT sad ppl*
But I'll be up with some interesting journey which I'll share with you later... 

Fierce and Love,


This 1 syllable word consisting 2 letters is the most feared word when it comes down to business application, requests, and so on
Yes. Being rejected is not a very good moment in our life. Even TODAY! I was rejected with 10 other members of my dance crew for the MPS (Malam Pagelaran Seni) or in English: Night Art Show at my school. Many people seen rejection negatively and to judge themselves incapable of doing so. Throw those negative thinking because that’s not what is matter.
 “REJECTION is not the end; it is the START of something new.”
Which means, you could do better, or more experience
So when somebody put a big N-O on your face, just thank them for giving a big opportunity to learn, and making you a better person!
Fierce and Love,

Learning by EXPERIENCE

Being one of the mentors of SMAK 1’s early orientation program was like the cherry on top of a sundae. Because my holyday was not that interesting – unless watching TV and lying on a sofa is something you don’t do everyday, so meeting new freshmen students is something special for me.

Not like other school, being the mentor in SMAK 1 had to be very kind and outgoing and not military-based-like boot camp or something like that. Instead of yelling at someone’s face, we are likely to be their friend, that’s what I’ve learned. Because when the freshmen found themselves sad, or needing someone to talk to, we should be around because most of the time, they really need us after those (boring) disciplinary session with 2 of our teacher acting as what we called “CHIEF”. One person of my group of 12 shares what she feels after those cuh-ray-zee session and spine-torturing session for being very tired and hating the “CHIEF”. Even though most of the freshmen thought and laugh on one of the “CHIEF” – chief Lusi, for never showing her teeth (a.k.a smile or laugh) in session, I deeply knew there was still something scoring their feeling. So that’s when I came in. making them feel better, and calm them down.

“Something deeply hurtful, joking about it, still, a tiny part still will be hurt.”

And then came the big night, the last session with Ibu Cecil, and Pa Richmon, where most of the freshmen let go their ugly and hurtful thought of the disciplinary session. The entire mentor helped everyone releasing their feeling by praying of them one by one. Another great and amazing experience especially when God hand’s work on everyone.

“Making people behave better is good. But making people THINK that they were special is uh-may-zing….”

The last session would be the mentor’s creativity night. After all we’ve been through together, nothing could end those cherish moments together like the best-crazy-amazing-lame-unforgettable-freaky-creative-fun-funny-show by the entire mentor.

“Laughter is the best medicine after every bad situation.”

Fierce and Love,

Hello World!

Hello guys..

This blog was just about everything that can make your life more fun and creative!!!
Based on my English teacher ma'am Elisabeth Lawira's project for my English class, I'm very excited to start writing his blog. Although, i might ended up always blogging in my spare time : )
so hope you enjoy everything you'll find on my blog!

Fierce and Love,