My school days had been very busy and even next week, we will have our final examination week...
Yeah, that means I will rarely post on December too but, I will try to do so ^^
But no worry! For today, I have these amazing tips on how you can study and pass your exams! (By not cheating though LoL)
So you need to follow these 6 rules to get a good or even a perfect mark!
You will need to sleep well before exams! Of course you will spend the night before the exams reviewing or studying, but you should have enough sleep! For the best condition, you should sleep for at least 8 hours! So at 9pm, you should have stop studying or reviewing your subjects, and give your brain a break!
And, you will not get sleepy for the test!
Hydrate yourself every time! Water is good for your health, and helps you concentrate! Stay away from foods! Except if it is time for lunch or dinner, or if you have stomach problems, don't eat snacks while you are studying. It will reduce your concentration. So whenever you feel for a snack, just grab a bottle of water and hydrate yourself!
When you review and prepare for your test, always prepare some stickies and highlighter in case if you find any important formula or dates or names that you cannot remember, a stickies can help you list those important thing! (Of course not to bring the stickies into your test room!) Or, you can highlight the test on your book. Use different kinds of colors. Expert says that colors will be memorized well than just a plain black and white!
Cellphone, Blackberries, iPhones, Tabs, iPads, Laptops, is a no no for study! Yes, some of you might open laptops or cellphones for the reason of researching or downloading the materials for the test. But other than that, no gadgets should be in the same room with you, as you study. Electromagnetic waves can harm your brain working. In other hand, emails, message, and anything else will easily distract you! So put away those gadgets for a while.
Timing plays a very important role on tests! Don't study all the materials for the test the night before! Study your material little by little, and only review your material the night before the test! Also, don't study and read too much. If you want the best result, don't take 3 hours of leaning straight away. Give yourself a break every 40 to 60 minutes for 5 minutes, and then get back to work! Your brain needs some time to absorb all of those materials you have read.
6. LEARN it YOUR way!
So not all people have the same method of learning!
Here are 3 types of person and do's and don’ts for each and every type.
Kinetics : people who done their best by doing!
DO : study by practicing, doing the problems!
DON'T : study by sitting for hours!
Audio : people who done their best by listening!
DO : study in a quiet room, read it out loud!
DON'T : study with some friends! Audios should spend more time alone studying!
Visual : people who done their best by seeing!
DO : colorize your text and test materials!
DON'T : study in a room with much crowd!
So that's my 6 ways to study for exams. I hope it works for you guys, because it worked for me! So let me know if you have any question and how you prepare your exams
you'll need your
Fierce and Love,