Not like other school, being the mentor in SMAK 1 had to be very kind and outgoing and not military-based-like boot camp or something like that. Instead of yelling at someone’s face, we are likely to be their friend, that’s what I’ve learned. Because when the freshmen found themselves sad, or needing someone to talk to, we should be around because most of the time, they really need us after those (boring) disciplinary session with 2 of our teacher acting as what we called “CHIEF”. One person of my group of 12 shares what she feels after those cuh-ray-zee session and spine-torturing session for being very tired and hating the “CHIEF”. Even though most of the freshmen thought and laugh on one of the “CHIEF” – chief Lusi, for never showing her teeth (a.k.a smile or laugh) in session, I deeply knew there was still something scoring their feeling. So that’s when I came in. making them feel better, and calm them down.
“Something deeply hurtful, joking about it, still, a tiny part still will be hurt.”
And then came the big night, the last session with Ibu Cecil, and Pa Richmon, where most of the freshmen let go their ugly and hurtful thought of the disciplinary session. The entire mentor helped everyone releasing their feeling by praying of them one by one. Another great and amazing experience especially when God hand’s work on everyone.
“Making people behave better is good. But making people THINK that they were special is uh-may-zing….”
The last session would be the mentor’s creativity night. After all we’ve been through together, nothing could end those cherish moments together like the best-crazy-amazing-lame-unforgettable-freaky-creative-fun-funny-show by the entire mentor.
“Laughter is the best medicine after every bad situation.”
Fierce and Love,
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